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Elizabeth Hernandez

Site Editor cannot access inline edit option

I love this plugin! I configured my posts screen to show title, categories, SEO title, SEO description, and tags, so that I can edit them all from one screen. This is working well for me, but when another user (with “editor” access) views the same screen, she doesn’t have the inline edit option. She can still use quick edit, but that doesn’t allow her to edit the SEO title or description. I tried looking for user access or settings in the plugin, but I didn’t see an obvious place where I need to grant her access. Can you please let me know if I need to do anything special to allow her to edit like I can?

4 years, 7 months ago
David Mosterd

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for reporting this. A default WordPress editor should be able to use inline-edit for posts. We’ll have a look and see if we can reproduce this!

4 years, 7 months ago
Arvind Victor Estibeiro

Hi I have an issue similar to this.

The question is what is the capability needed for a user to be able to see the EDIT Sign next to the editable cotnent?

4 years, 7 months ago
Elizabeth Hernandez

I feel quite silly, but I figured it out–I didn’t realize each user needs to activate the toggle button in their own view. Once she activated the toggle button, everything was available. Sorry for the fuss!

4 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


The capabilities needed for Inline Editing are different per meta type and column.
For most columns we just check for the following capabilities:

Posts: edit_post (per object)
User: edit_user (per object)
Comment: edit_comment (per object)
Taxonomies: manage_categories

Some custom column have more specific capability checks:

Author: author
Role: edit_users

4 years, 7 months ago

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