Show related post ACF value
Difficult to explain: I have ACF field inside post that is actually a post relationship field. Related post has another ACF field which has some string value. Can I show this value in admin column when viewing and especially export it to CSV when doing export?
E.g. I have 2 custom post types:
– default post
– company
Post ID 100 is post_type=”post” with and has ACF field “Company” which is actually a relationship field that points to custom post type “company” post ID 200 called “Company LTD”.
Post ID 200 is post_type=”company” and has another ACF field called “Phone number”.
When viewing list of post_type=”post” I can display post title of custom post type ID 200 but I also want to display “Phone number” which is a custom field in related post.
I guess this can not be done directly but how can I manage something like this programmatically? For example with some filter/hook?
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