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show name of Post Object field from ACF

I have a WordPress website, with ACF installed.

I have a custom post type called ‘Jobs’ and for each Job, I have a Post Object field (dropdown menu) showing ‘town names’, populated from a second Custom Post Type called ‘Locations’.

So when I add a Job I also select one of the ‘town names’ from the ‘Locations’ custom post type.

Currently, my admin screen listing all my Jobs has the usual columns Title, Categories, Date.

I then added the basic version of Admin Columns and i can then show the Towns list as a column, but it currently shows the page IDs of the towns rather than the Town names themselves.

I do not have the Admin Columns Pro product or the ACF Add On.

So my question is if I purchase these, will it give me the ability to show the ‘town name’ rather than the post object ID, which is what it is currently showing?

Many thanks in advance.

5 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m sure that the Pro version with the ACF integrations works, and it will come with other nice features as inline editing, sorting and filtering on that field on the overview of your page.

But for displaying, I think it should work with the Free version as well. You already have the Custom Field column setup if I’m correct, but the next step is to change the ‘Field Type’ of that column to ‘Relational > Post’ and set the Title as Display Option.

Can you let me know if that works?

5 years, 5 months ago

Yes that worked! Many thanks for your help.

5 years, 5 months ago
Ioannis Tsimpidis

To extend this conversation – How to display the ACF post object title in the search filter (dropdown)? It currently displays the IDs as labels for the dropdown.

2 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Are you using the ACF column from the latest version for this?
If you create a column for a Post Object field, you should not see ids but titles in the drop-downs and values.
Otherwise, can you send me a screenshot of the column settings and a screenshot of the issue to

2 years, 5 months ago

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