show name of Post Object field from ACF
I have a WordPress website, with ACF installed.
I have a custom post type called ‘Jobs’ and for each Job, I have a Post Object field (dropdown menu) showing ‘town names’, populated from a second Custom Post Type called ‘Locations’.
So when I add a Job I also select one of the ‘town names’ from the ‘Locations’ custom post type.
Currently, my admin screen listing all my Jobs has the usual columns Title, Categories, Date.
I then added the basic version of Admin Columns and i can then show the Towns list as a column, but it currently shows the page IDs of the towns rather than the Town names themselves.
I do not have the Admin Columns Pro product or the ACF Add On.
So my question is if I purchase these, will it give me the ability to show the ‘town name’ rather than the post object ID, which is what it is currently showing?
Many thanks in advance.
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