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admin werus

Show image instead of text using shortcode


Im trying to add a column where we’ll show the type of prodcut, but instead of a text:

– simple
– variable

we would like to show an icon or an image.

We found shortcode as an option but it looks like shortcode is not working. We try something like this just for testing:

add_shortcode(‘test_shortcode’, ‘test_shortcode’);

function test_shortcode(){
echo (“hola”);

Then we select our shortcode in a new column but don’t see anything in that column.

Are we doing anything wrong?


3 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

So I believe you’re using the Shortcode column from our plugin. This column does render the selected shortcode when the shortcode is present in the body content of the post. It does not as you probably thought, render a shortcode. Instead of looking for a shortcode solution, you might be interested in creating your own column with our toolkit and having a more sustainable solution.

3 years, 2 months ago

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