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Show Event Caledar date + time

I like to show a time with the start- and end date from Events Calendar.
But in the settings there is no options to enter a date/time format.

How can this be done?


6 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Henny,

By default, we leave the display for default third-party column as it. So for the Events Calendar, we create a new column that can display both the start and end date with a custom date format. You can remove the default start and end date column and add our ‘Date’ column. After you’ve added this column, you’re able to change the date format. Please notice that you’ll need our Events Calendar integration to do this.

6 years ago

Hi Stefan, thanks for your quick reply.
This is helpful. The only issue with the Date column is that it can’t be sorted. Is this not possible with this field?

6 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hmm, you’re right, sorting seems not to be implemented for this field and I don’t see any reason why it would not be sortable. I’ll add this feature to the request list and we will probably implement this very soon. The next update for the integration will have sorting for the date field.

6 years ago

Ok. Thanks!
I made a workaround with the startdate field.



6 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Henny,

We just released the new version with the sorting ability for the date column.
I will mark this topic as solved.

6 years ago

Hi Stefan,

Thanks. That was quick!
I updated the plugin but didn’t see the sorting-option however.

6 years ago

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