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Nikki Barlow

Show Delivery Date Column

Hello, how do I show the delivery date column when the delivery date is chosen by the customer when purchasing? I use custom products options plugin with woocommerce. is the site. Flower delivery.

3 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


It really depends on how the date is stored, but I suspect that the custom date is stored as a custom field to the order. In that case, you could add the ‘Custom Field’ column and search for a delivery date key in the field setting. There is also a chance that the delivery date is stored in the so-called order item meta. In that case, we don’t have a column that could render that value. So the Custom Field column is your best chance in this case.

3 years, 8 months ago
Nikki Barlow

Thank you for your reply, I have looked in the custom fields option and there is no field option for delivery date. Do you know of any other plugins that will work with this plugin to achieve what I want? The delivery date field can be powered by any number of product add-ons but I used the woo-commerce version thinking compatibility would be better. I notice you have an add on for Advanced Custom Fields. Would these two plugins work together to achieve this result? The user inputs the date they want delivery and this column needs to appear in the admin order area. I need a solution and your plugin seems the best so please help. I only purchased this plugin for this delivery date column to be shown in the admin order area, if it cant be done then I will have to seek a refund and find another solution.

3 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Sorry, but I don’t know a plugin that does exactly what you want. I think that ACF is not the solution you’re looking for since it will not show your the actual option on the front-end during the checkout.

If this means that you want a refund, please let me know by sending me a request at

3 years, 8 months ago

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