Sequential number
we use admin columns pro. One of our tables constructed with this plugin includes in the first column a sequential number (1, 2, 3, 4, ….). We use this number for the sorting of the posts, so they appear in the right order.
From time to time, we insert new posts (displayed in a new row in admin column table). In this case, we have to define the sequential number in the right way, so that the new post is placed at the right place. For example, we use increments of numbers, f. ex. 1.2 if the new post is to be placed between post no. 1 and post no. 2.
So my question is: is there an approach to ‘reset’ the sequential numbers, so that the numbering is rebuild? Or is it even possible to use a kind of automatic numvbering? My question comes from an information, that admin columns manages also some mathematical operations, but I can’t find this information.
Many thanks in advance for your support
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