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Searching on User Fields


I have a licence for ACF for one site, since we wanted to be able to filter/sort the fields.

And we seem able to do that now with the exception of the User section

You can’t put filters on the fields in the User tab, even the custom post type ones we custom defined via ACF before upgrading, and when you use the admin search to try and find a specific user, it can only find anything on user name. It doesn’t work on any custom field, or even on user type or by their email.

If we set up a field on a page or ‘custom post page’ then we can set up filters and use that for a way to group things other than sorting alphabetically only, but this does however not work in our “user” section.

So how can you make users searchable on the rest of the fields? This is pretty relevant if you want to find them by for example Company name (Custom field) or email (Standard User email field in wordpress, that is just shown in the overview)


And the last here might be a bug report, so I’m not sure if it’s here that it should be posted which is why I split it a bit from the rest. But I noticed it while testing this.

If you search for “Bob” in users, then you can search again without delay. But if you search for “0” as in the number “Zero” then the search bar and button disappears completely and only returns if you reset the sorting or refresh the page

10 years, 2 months ago

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