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Peri et Ray

Search filename

Sorting with Admin Columns is a snap.
In Media library, I would really appreciate narrowing the display of images by typing some characters contained in their filename.
In my situation, I patiently gave my image’s name an inventory code at the beginning, for example: imdoc_ for images of documents and imart_ for photos of work of art. So I would like to be able to type those letters in the WordPress media admin search field to find them and then sort the result to sort them by number: imart_001, imart_002, etc.
With WordPress default functionalities, I have to find the “result page” where filenames begin by im…
I found a plugin (and only one in the whole WordPress plugin repository!) that allows us to search by filename, but it is not compatible with sorting… :(

Thank you.

8 years ago
Peri et Ray

MLA Media Library Assistant Plug in allows to do this and much more. Maybe too much actually ;)

7 years, 12 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Peri,

Thanks for your feedback. We had this request before so it would be worth investigating. But at this moment a ‘search’ feature is out of scope of our plugin. Filtering is the feature that comes close to search but we know that for large datasets with a lot of records, filtering is not very useful.

Anyway we want to focus on our main features right now, but search is on our roadmap for in the future. We are aware of MLA Media Library Assistant and we do support this plugin.

7 years, 12 months ago

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