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Screen Options Access

Hi…Strange issue – was able access my screen options tab for everything except PAGES.

I thought this might be caused because I had Show on Screen set to 100 for pages. So I deactivated Admin Columns, was able to access the Screen Options Tab for pages and changed it to 10.

Reactivated Admin Columns – While the next/previous count reflected 69 pages (I have 687 actual pages…10 per screen view in admin)…the admin page view list still had 100 pages on it.

Next, I reset the columns – issue persisted.

Finally, I tried the reset sort button…and bingo…the issue resolved.

I tested this on the pages after the view count was reset to 10, and I had reapplied all of my column customizations. Even though the reset sorting button was present, with a count of 10 per issue.


10 years, 6 months ago

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