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Saved Segments not available to other users

Great software btw – not sure if this is how this is meant to work: Summary – for USERS, I edited the ORIGINAL screen – having done this – this edited SCREEN and COLUMNS are available to other USERS. I am able to add a FILTER (this one happens to be using an ACF field) so uses that plug in add-on – and am able to sort then save the segment – This is very useful – because when I log back in – I can pull up that SEGMENT and it’s also SORTED as I want. BUT this SEGMENT is not available to other users – the other USERS are SHOP MANAGERS – and they do have access to edit this screen (I also gave SHOP MANAGERS permission to edit ADMIN COLUMNS through another plugin). So my issue is having to use a work-around to get these SEGMENTS available to each Shop Manager – I have to log in as each user and SAVE a segment for each one. I’ve also tried make a new screen with a new name – making it available to all Shop Managers – but still – the SEGMENTS are only available to the user who makes them.

5 years, 9 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi David,

Each segment is only available to the user that created them. This has been done deliberately because otherwise, you would see all the segments created by all users, and that would not be very user-friendly.

We could, however, think of a way for an administrator to share their segments. Not sure, how that would play out UX wise, but I will give it some more thought.

Any thoughts on this are welcome.



5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Tobias – thanks for the quick reply – from a UX experience – (admittedly our perspective) – it makes so much more sense to tie segments to SCREENS not USERS. This allows people to, for example, make public screens (available to particular user types such as Administrators or Shop Managers) – and with all segments instantly shared. It would also allow users to make their own screens (not shared) with their own segments.
Here’s a scenario:
We have USERS that are VOLUNTEERS (in an ACF Field)
Now – we can make a SCREEN called VOLUNTEERS – which shows the VOLUNTEER FIELDS.
Now – if segments are tied to SCREENS – we can add a SEGMENT – which says ACF FIELD VOLUNTEER is set to true – so when brought up – it doesn’t just have the columns but it has the necessary filtered users.
Now we can apply that screen to all Shop Managers – and they have instant access to just pull up volunteers.

If a USER wanted to create SEGMENTS of their own – well they could, of course, make their own screen – then save SEGMENTS (if segments were saved by SCREEN and not USER).

Just a thought – again – love the software.!

5 years, 9 months ago


For my uses making a segment visible to other users who have access to the screen/page is sufficient.

Choosing if a segment is ‘public’ on a per segment basis would be a nice feature for me.

5 years, 8 months ago

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