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Richer "Bulk Edit" for ACF taxonomy?

On post admin lists, the “Bulk Edit” button, on a Taxonomy column, is a lot more meaningful than on a term admin list.

For example, on my “Articles” admin list, when I multi-select posts and click “Bulk Edit” for my “Topics” taxonomy column, I have add/replace/remove capability…

However, I also have a taxonomy, “Organisations”, whose terms also take a linkage to “Topics” terms, also made visible via an ACP column…

Now, if I want to Bulk Edit those Topics, unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to choose add/replace/remove…

This means any Bulk Edits I do here will overwrite any existing Topics terms already applied to Organisation terms. My intention was for the Bulk Edit to be additive.

Note – my Organisations terms take Topics terms via Advanced Custom Fields. An ACF “taxonomy” field for Topics is applied to Organisations. So this isn’t directly a taxonomy column. It is an ACF column. Still, in the ACP setup, Bulk Edit is enabled…

It would be nice if it had add/replace/remove so it was as rich as the native equivalent.


5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your feedback. It great to know that you use our new Bulk Edit addition for terms.
I completely understand your request and I think that it would be a good addition to our plugin.
It’s not something that can only apply to ACF taxonomy fields, but it would also work on any multiple selection fields. Just made a feature request for it so we can investigate how much time it would cost to implement this for the ACF integration, to begin with.
Thanks again for your input on this!

5 years, 6 months ago

Good work, as ever.
I’ll follow the issue.

5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


I had some time to work on this improvement.
Just released a new version with the support of Add and Removing ACF Taxonomies (and Post Object fields as well) for Bulk Editing.

5 years, 5 months ago

Here’s how it works for me…

Confirmation – ACF taxonomy Bulk Edit on a Taxonomy listing… Add works okay, and Remove removes, too.
All except immediate update… refresh required.

Thanks :-)

5 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hmm, I’m not able to reproduce this issue on a taxonomy overview page.
Does Inline Edit work as expected? Or do you have the same issue there as well?
Maybe it has something to do with your ACF settings, can you contact me on and send me a screenshot of your ACF settings?

5 years, 5 months ago

Hmm, you mean Quick Edit?
The thing is, on a Taxonomy view, there is no Bulk Action to Quick Edit multiple terms.
(Unless this is being hidden by a plugin I have running which has placed the following in the Bulk Actions drop-down: Set Parent, Merge, Change Taxonomy, Delete). I think it’s really just Delete.
Individual terms – Quick Edit only seems to support Name and Slug anyway.

On a Post listing (CPT “Viewpoints”…
Using your “Bulk Edit” to “Add” Topics taxonomy terms… DOES result in an auto-update in the browser page.

5 years, 5 months ago

… though seemingly no dynamic update for “Remove” of a term from the Post list view.

5 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Do you have a staging or test environment where I can try this out?
Still not able to reproduce the issue with an ACF taxonomy field/column.
Maybe it has something to do with the ACF field settings, so if you can send me a screenshot or ACF export of your overview, I can better try to isolate the issue.

5 years, 5 months ago

Oh yes, I’l email you the field.
To be clear – the new add/replace/delete feature does work; just it seemed like the visual update wasn’t happening immediately in the front-end without refreshing.

5 years, 5 months ago

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