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Reset sorting not working on Download Monitor list screen


we just found an issue when used together with the plugin download monitor ( The reset sorting button that is shown when a user applies a custom sort order (e.g. publish date) won’t work to rest the sorting.

This is an issue for us as we use a custom sort order plugin (Intuitive Custom Sort Order) to sort downloads on a per category basis and need this feature to be available.

We could reset sorting for all users (as provided in AC’s settings) but would be triggered repeatedly as soon as a user uses column sorting again.

How could this be fixed?


1 year, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
I installed the Download Monitor plugin but I’m not able to reproduce the issue.
Do you have the issue on every list table or can you tell me how I can reproduce the issue?
When you disable the Download Monitor plugin, everything works as expected.
Or are you able to reproduce the issue on a local environment with just Admin Columns and the Download Monitor plugin installed? And what exactly do you mean by ‘does not work’? Does clicking the button do nothing?

I can give you a snippet that will always reset sorting for everyone on each page request, but I like to understand how this issue can happen.

1 year, 7 months ago

Hi Stefan,
thanks for your quick response.

Also I did the following:
Disable all plugins except AC, Download Monitor and enable default theme (twenty twenty).
The issue could only be seen on download monitors list table, other screens like posts or cpts are not affected as far as I can tell. Here’s a brief screencast:

Clicking the rest sorting button does nothing, no reload or similar. No errors are logged at JS console or php error log.

I tested on a fresh install (WP 6.2.2, ACF Pro 6.2.2) with default theme (twenty-twenty-two), no other plugins enabled and strangley, now the issue is on every post list screen?

I could setup this install on a server for you to check if you can’t reproduce this of course.

Thank you!

1 year, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you try the following?
Make a change to the column for the Downloads list table and save the settings.
I expect it should work after that.
When that works, we’ll need to make sure that storing the sorting preferences is only possible when the columns have been saved at least once.

1 year, 7 months ago

Ok, that was easy! :)
I just resaved the column settings for this screen and that made it work again.
Custom user based column sorting can now be resetted again, yaih!

True, we did not customise the downloads screen wit AC and on a fresh install with post list screens not being changed through AC will have the same issue.

Thanks for your fast and helpful response again!

1 year, 7 months ago

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