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Torben Einicke

Realtionship Field in Admin Columns

Hi guys,

I’m having a bit of a weird problem right now. I have a CPT and I have assigned users to this CPT. With the users I have made a Realtionship Field and can assign the CPTs there. Both works also biodirectionally. If I now create a column in Admins Colums and read out this ACF, then it also shows the assignment to the CPT in the column. But if I now tell it to sort by name, it still shows me 15 results out of 800. The remaining 785 I do not see anywhere. The same is true for filtering.

Where is my thinking error?

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2 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you tell me a bit more about how have set up a bidirectional relationship field in ACF? As far as I know, a relationship field only stores the relationship for the current post type and not bidirectional.
And the column that you’re using to sort/filter is the actual ACF field column? Can you maybe send me some screenshots of your setup (ACF fields and column settings) to

2 years, 3 months ago

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