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Radio or Select Custom Column

I want to use either radio or select custom field columns that would inline edit on the user page. The problem is when I inline edit it shows up as a text field. I expected that it would list the choices as in select or radio for me to choose from, but instead its a text field and I have to manually type the the choices. Is there a setting I’m missing?

7 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Maksim,

The Custom Field column does not know anything about the context of your Custom Fields. The column does have a field type option where you can tell the column what type of content your custom field contains. This may alter the inline edit behavior, but it will never become a select box, it does not know where to get the options.

But if you use a plugin to create your custom fields like ACF, Pods or Types, you can use the specific integration add-on for these plugins. In that case, we do know the context of the custom field. So for example, if you have a select field created with ACF, you can create an ACF column for this field with the ACF integration add-on and inline edit will automatically become a select field.

If you created the context of your custom fields yourself, you can use one of our filters to change the text field for Inline edit to a select box. The following documentation page contains the filter with an example that does exactly what you’re trying to accomplish.

7 years, 1 month ago

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