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Quick Edit for Users columns?

It’s noticeable that WordPress’ Users listing page does not include a Quick Edit option for in-column updating of user profiles.

I read that the available components of Quick Edit functionality for Posts lists is controlled by the columns available on the equivalent listings page.
Therefore, I’m asking if you know anything about getting a Quick Edit on my Users listing.

I currently have customised by Users listing using Admin Columns Pro – but there is _no_ Quick Edit option on the listing rows.


8 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your feedback.
You’re correct that quick edit is not available for the User list screen.
The login for quick edit is added in the WP_Posts_List_Table class in WordPress and this whole part is not included in the WP_Users_List_Table.

So If you really want to have quick edit on your User overview page, you will have to extend the User list table and add Quick edit yourself, but I think this is not that easy as it sounds. I’m not sure if there are other plugin that will provide these feature, but this is not something we can help you with.

8 years ago

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