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FoodCoop Neumarkt


I am using your pro version and I am very satisfied but I missed the following possibility.

I would need to change the field “regular price” with a formula like: Einstandspreis* 1.2124
(Einstandspreis = ACF field for purchasing price) by using the Bulk-Edit method?

It would be a great help because our purchasing price chances twice a week and we have always to adjust the regular price manual after we change the field Einstandspreis. We would save a lot of time if this would be able with a formula in the Bulk-Edit.

Best regards


4 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I understand your use case. But think that a feature like that would be too complex for most of our users since it requires quite some changes to our UI.

For your use case, I advise you to have look at this hook that fires once a value for a column has changed. if you target the column with the ‘Einstandpreis’ field and automatically update the original price based on a constant value for the factor, then I think you’re good to go.

4 years, 4 months ago

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