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Prompted to enter license even after license is confirmed

We have a multisite WP 5.3.2 after updating to the latest version of AC Pro, we constantly getting prompted to enter license. We enter the license and get the message license is confirmed. But as soon as we go into the plugin list, the message again pops up to enter the license. please advise.

4 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m sorry to hear that you experience some issues with the license.
When you enter the license on the settings page and see the confirmation message, does the input for the license also disappear? Even when you refresh the settings page, everything is activated until you visit the plugins page again? I guess you visit the network plugins page? Do you activate the license on network level or per subpage?

Please contact us at and we will help you resolve it.

4 years, 11 months ago

The plugin is activated network-wise. I enter license at the network level, it’s accepted. even after i refresh the settings page. Then if I go into a sub-site to see the list of plugins or directly to admin columns settings, I again get prompted to enter license. I click on the link, and it takes me back to the network level of admin columns settings where the license once again showing as not entered. and the process repeats. by going to the subsite the license gets stripped away somehow.

4 years, 11 months ago

Also, this what have done for troubleshooting. With the exception of completely deleting admin columns, I have deactivated the license, and deactivated the plugin network-wise. and then re-activated plugin networkwise and entered the license. the issue still remains. as soon as I go to a subsite, admin columns, prompted to enter license again. no matter how many times i enter the license, i get prompted over and over again.

4 years, 11 months ago

ok, I think i uncovered the problem. before activating the plugin network wise, the plugin was enabled on site per site basis. first i needed to deactivate the plugin on ALL sites where it had been previously active on site-by-site basis. and then i re-activated the plugin networkwise and finally the license sticks across the board.

4 years, 11 months ago

I spoke too soon. The issue began occurring again. after all the above steps. There’s a bug somewhere in 5.0.1 update in regard to license

4 years, 11 months ago
James Proctor

I’m having the same problem (same WP/ACPro versions), to confirm this bug on another installation.

Jim P.

4 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for explaining all the steps.
We will try to reproduce the issue on a multisite environment and come up with a fix.

@Jim do you also have this issue on a multisite environment?

4 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We were able to reproduce the issue and working on a fix right now.
There will be a hotfix release as soon as possible.

4 years, 11 months ago
James Proctor

Greetings — I’m now on 5.0.2, and now get an additional prompt (running as network activated on multisite), whether look at plugins via network admin or as admin on a site:

[new prompt] Activation failed because the limit of 1 is reached. You can upgrade your subscription to add more activations or manage your current activations. Both can be done from your account.

[old prompt] To enable automatic updates enter your license key. If you don’t have a license key, please see details & pricing.

If you could please clarify I’d sure appreciate, thanks.

Jim P.

4 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Jim

Can you login to your account and deactivate any activations that are known at this moment?
After that, you can try to network activate the license again on our network settings page?

4 years, 11 months ago
James Proctor

I’m no longer seeing this set of prompts, but will be in touch if they recur.

Jim P.

4 years, 11 months ago

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