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Product Details Field not showing in CSV export of Woocommerce Orders

While I realize this is not an issue as you mention in your docs that not all WOO fields are available for export to CSV – this one is a particular problem. Client wants to be able to get a “roster” of tickets purchased from Woo for a particular product. This means seeing the number of ITEMS ordered, and what items are ordered, and by whom. We’ve made this work easily on Screen from the ORDERS page – adding column for PRODUCT – DETAILS, then filtering for that product. But what you see on screen. the PRODUCT – DETAILS does not export. While you can get the PRODUCT column – that does not put the quantity next to each line item – so doesn’t work for a roster. For now, we’re writing our own report – but would be preferable to use Admin Columns.

5 years, 7 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Unfortunately, we can’t export values that are added by 3rd party columns. Only the plugins that we have created integration add-ons can be exported. The reason is that WordPress does not allow us to fetch those values.

The only solution would be is to create your own column (type) and make it exportable. That does require someone who is knowledgeable in PHP and WordPress. We have a start-kit available for doing this:

5 years, 7 months ago

Hi Tobias,
Thanks for the reply -we’ll check out your link for new column type.
tx :)

5 years, 7 months ago

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