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Shimon Yehonatan Shavit

Product category hierarchy flattened

Hello everyone. After updating to the latest version the product category list in the admin view has lost the hierarchy indicators.
Is it a local bug or a known issue?

3 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you should if you have sorted on a column on the product category list?
You can check if there is a ‘Reset Sorting’ button on top of the page.
When you click that button, the sorting should be fall back to the default sorting which is the hierarchy view.
If that does not work, you could check your column settings and see if there is a default sorting setting set below the column settings in the preferences panel.

3 years, 3 months ago
Shimon Yehonatan Shavit

Thank you!
THere is no reset sorting button, and in the preferences the sorting is on defaalt setting. To be on the safe side I’ve resetted all the changes on this screen, and there is was no change.
But, then I tried to sort by anything, just to get the reset sorting to appear, I pressed it and it worked!
Thank you!

3 years, 3 months ago

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