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Patrick Struckmann

preview thumbnail now showing in media library list view

Dear All ,

cant figure it out , tried wider screens different browsers , but with Admin columns enabled it did work at times , but now again all thumbnails disappeared , see screenshot below :

we use WP media folder and ACF .. all on an admin account . was working just earlier . had this before and it seems were not the only one .

as soon as we switch of Admin columns its showing the preview thumbnail again .

please can someone assist , this is the main reason why we purchased it to organise the media library in list mode .

wit best regards


1 year, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m missing the screenshot you’re mentioning, but when you try to add a new column, are you able to add the thumbnail column again in the ‘Default’ section? Otherwise, you could add the ‘Title’ column, which is a default WordPress column that also shows the image/thumbnail of a media file.

1 year, 5 months ago

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