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Post views on admin column


I want to know how can i put on the main post list admin column the page views in the last x time.

Can you help us?

5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Please notice that WordPress does not track any page views. There are plugins that can track page views, and most of the time they store this information as a custom field per post as a number. You can use our Custom Field column to get that number and show it on your overview page.

But in order to get the last view for a specific time, I can’t imagine that there’s a solution in WordPress that can help you with that. Of course, trackers like Google Analytics can do this for you, but the problem is to get that information to your admin overview page. We don’t have a column that can help you with that.

5 years, 6 months ago

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