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post status on comments page

On the comments approval page in admin, am I able to add a column that shows the post status (looking to show if the post commented on is a private or public post)? Or is this something I’ll need to use the starter kit for a custom column?

5 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

At this moment, there is not a column that can do that.
So you’ll have to write something for this yourself using one of the following options.

1) Add the ‘Post’ column to your comment overview page and use the hook below to alter the value for that column. You could extend the column to show the title and status for example, or just the status if you want. You probably want to take the raw_value $column->get_raw_value( $id ) and work with that to determine your own value.

2) Instead of altering the value, you could also consider creating your own column that does exactly what you want. In that case, you don’t have to alter the value and lose the default behavior but you have your own column with your own logic and features. It might be a bit more difficult to code, but in the end, it might be a more sustainable solution. You could indeed use the starter kit for that.

5 years, 7 months ago

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