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Charlie Nguyen

Post by Author – display title (not number of items available)


Thank you for creating the posts by author type. This is extremely useful.

Is it possible to show the post title and not have the number of items available?

View post on

This will just remove the step of having to click on the item number to reveal the title.

Thank you

4 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
Unfortunately, this is currently not possible.
We aim to keep the overview as clean as possible, so adding all posts by default for this column would create a very long list of posts for most users on the overview, which makes the overview page become unusable for most users in our opinion. We could create a display setting though to allow this display if you really want it. I’ll add it to our feature request list but can’t guarantee if it will make it to our plugin.

4 years, 7 months ago

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