Populating UPLOAD_URL_PATH with content-serving subdomain breaks File Size field
Thanks for a highly valueable Admin Columns Pro plugin. I bought it when trying to optimize image sizes for an image-laden site. Part of that optimization is serving images from a subdomain that points to the site’s standard wp-content/uploads directory. Populating UPLOAD_URL_PATH with the subdomain string causes the File Size field values not to display. Here is the detail:
Site URL: https://www.domain.com
Standard upload location: https://www.domain.com/wp-content/uploads
Subdomain that serves images: https://media.domain.com
Subdomain points to the http://www.domain.com, so doesn’t skip any directories by pointing directly to the uploads directory
UPLOAD_URL_OPTIONS in wp-options must be populated with https://media.domain.com/wp-content/uploads for new images to be tagged with the subdomain so they’ll be served from there.
Even with the Admin Columns File Size values not displayed, I can still sort on the File Size column, and WP still displays an image’s File size when Edit is selected. The only issue I can find is that Admin Columns File Size field is empty.
Can you either tell me what I need to change in the plugin (couldn’t find any exposed settings to address this), or patch it so that the File Size field accommodates changes to UPLOAD_URL_PATH.
Many thanks.
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