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Martin Sauter

Please make saved filters available to all column sets

I just realized that saved filters are specific to column sets. In other words: All my filters which I have defined for Column Set A are not available in Column Set B.

While I can understand the logic from a developer’s point of view (filters require the filtered columns to be present, and columns differ per column set), it is not user friendly at all.

Ideas for a solution:

  • Make saved filters automatically available in all column sets where the filtered columns are present.
  • Create an option «Make available in all column sets» in the saved filter settings which adds the required columns to all column sets (visible or invisible).
1 year, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

At this moment, this is not possible.
The reason is that every column has a unique ID. So (smart) filtering is applied to a specific column with its own settings. And since all our pro logic is built on top of our core plugin/feature: admin columns, we cannot easily find a workaround for what you’re asking.

We will make Saved Filters part of the export in a next major release. Along with a new way to import exports / presets, you can duplicate column sets together with the saved filters.

1 year, 2 months ago

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