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please correct DE tax

Hi there,
I would like to renew my license. However, the tax displayed for Germany is 21% while in reality it is 19%. Could you fix this please, so that I can renew?

7 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Peggy,

Unfortunately, we know that the VAT for Germany is not correct, just as most other EU countries. We’re based in the Netherlands and for a small company like us, it’s almost impossible to calculate the VAT for each country correctly and do this correctly in our bookkeeping.

As a workaround, we decided that we pay the TAX for countries in the EU if you put it a valid VAT number. So if you’re a company with a valid VAT number, you can renew your license, fill in your VAT number and the TAX is removed from your order. Otherwise, I’m afraid we can’t do anything about this right now since this is not something we can fix on short notice.

7 years ago

Well, now I am one of those who cannot yet exempt of VAT. So I just paid the extra 2% because the plugin is worth it to me. And because of that I was thinking to promote the plugin which is unfortunately not doable right now because anyone in Germany who is more picky would most likely not buy the plugin because of this issue. Not to mention that if I were a business yet the invoice would show the exempt of 21% and I would have to explain that in my financial statements.
And yes, I am well aware of all that tax hassle but a good online shop should easily be able to take care of a tax correction.
Though it is not on me to complain, it is just a hint to maybe re-think your decision. Why should both of us waste money if it is not necessary?

7 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Peg,

Thanks for the feedback and I (we) fully agree with your opinion. We will definitely have another look at this issue since this is something that bothers us for some time now.

7 years ago

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