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Hi…I have pagination set to 20 across the board on my wp admin for posts, media etc.

On one (and only one) of my custom post types, the pagination does not display. I have 31 records, and if I set the pagination at 20, NO pagination displays.

What to do?

10 years, 7 months ago

Hi William,

Are there really 31 records, or does it just say “31 items” in the top right? Do 31 items shop up when you set the number of items per page to 40? Does disabling Admin Columns fix this problem, or could it be unrelated to Admin Columns?

With kind regards,

10 years, 7 months ago

Yes, there are 31 records. And yes, 31 items show up when set to 40. I disabled and then reactivated Admin Columns and the issue resolved. Should of done that in the first place.<G>

10 years, 7 months ago

That’s quite strange. It sounds like some sort of caching issue, and we’re looking into resolving that! Thanks for your report!

10 years, 7 months ago

That’s interesting…fyi…have WP Super cache installed.

I also notice that when I used custom sorting features that it changes the number of records showing on my pages…even if I have them set to 20, when I do a custom sort, the page then displays larger quantities of records….specifically I noticed it on the pages admin. I have it set to display 20, but when I sort by date, it displays 100.

However, when I restore sorting, it goes back to 20…this was the issue I previously had a hard time figuring out.

Some very idiosyncratic things going down…but still, this plugin is a lifesaver because I can do inline editing, which saves a HUGE amount of time.


10 years, 7 months ago

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