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Pagination Missing

I just installed the latest pro version and setup a few columns. Everything works as expected but the pagination is missing. I have disabled the plugin and pagination returns but I am unable to resolve this issue as William had earlier in this forum.

9 years, 10 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Jared, could you give me a bit more details so I can try to reproduce this issue.

– what posttype?
– column settings?
– did you sort or filter the column?



9 years, 10 months ago

I have 2 custom post types that I created with the wp-types toolset.
Dealerships is one CPT and I setup 2 columns, status (custom field) and city (taxonomy). Both columns are set to sort and filter but status is also set to edit inline. The second CPT is inventory and I have only one custom field column with sort and filter. Dealerships has 89 posts and Inventory has over 5,000 posts.
I am also using Genesis and Dynamik for Genesis themes.

9 years, 10 months ago


I just added a new column to one of the CPT and pagination returned.
In my second CPT pagination was still missing until I clicked on one of the columns to sort the posts and pagination returned.
Once in a while, in the CPT with over 5,000 posts, pagination will go missing but return when a sort column is clicked. Pagination hides and returns with normal behavior when filtered results rise above the actual viewable quantity I set in screen options.
So I think I’m good. Thanks for a great plug-in.

9 years, 10 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Jared, Thank you forgetting back to us. We will keep monitoring it, and if it returns let us know. Cheers, Tobias

9 years, 10 months ago

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