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Adrienne Tatem

Only 25 Posts Appearing

When I deactivate the plugin all my posts appear in the backend. But when its active it only shows the 25 latest posts. Any ideas?

5 years, 4 months ago
Adrienne Tatem

I figured it out, when it’s sorted by Featured Image then it only shows the top 25 posts when I sort by post date it shows them all.

5 years, 4 months ago
Tobias Schutter

When you sorted by a column you can use the “Reset sorting” button at the top of the table. This will return the sorting to its default state, which is usually by Post Date.

There is also a setting called “Show all results when sorting.”.You can turn this off and the next time you sort – by a featured image column – the sorted result will also contain posts that do not have a featured image. The setting can be found at Dashboard > Admin Columns > Settings (tab).

5 years, 4 months ago

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