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Giuseppe Caiazza


When I add the filters and add the various conditions with the “and” logic, it does not load all orders correctly, as in the example video

ORDER DATE between 2021-03-01 to 2021-03-31 “AND” STATUS is evaso = load 591 order

ORDER DATE between 2021-03-01 to 2021-03-31 “AND” STATUS is evaso “AND” TAG is not RITIRO IN SEDE = load 263 orders

ORDER DATE between 2021-03-01 to 2021-03-31 “AND” STATUS is evaso “AND” TAG is RITIRO IN SEDE = load 3 orders

If I add the first and second example (269 orders), it doesn’t give me the total order value which must be the same as the first example (591 orders)

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you do the same test without the date and status filters?
When you filter with ‘Is Ritiro in Sede’ and ‘is not Ritiro in Sedo’, do the count of the post sum up to match the total amount of items for orders? I assume that you’re using the Taxonomy column for your Tags column?

Based on use cases, I would indeed expect that the sum of the second and third examples would give you the total number of orders found as the first order. You could analyze the main query that is fired on your page by installing the Query monitor plugin and see the actual SQL query. It might give us a clue what’s happening here.

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for the video, although this does not help with finding the issue.
I would like to know if the combination of filters is the culprit here.
Could you do the following filters:

1) TAG is RITIRO IN SEDE (count)
2) TAG is not RITIRO IN SEDE (count)

Is the sum of both two filtered pages, the same as the total number of items on the page?
I see that you have a lot of data on your website and it contains probably privacy-sensitive information, so I deleted the video from the forum. Feel free to contact me at with videos you like to share instead of posting it on the public forum.

3 years ago

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