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No ACF Fields Available


I have just purchased the pro / Woo + ACF addons, and am trying to get my ACF fields displaying on my page view, however when I select ACF from the drop down, the fields don’t appear.

My ACF fields are set to appear on 3 different page templates.

Is there anything else I’m missing to allow my fields to appear with admin columns?

Many Thanks.

8 years ago

This can be closed. It appears I have to set the ACFs to be on ALL pages, not just on certain pages, for it to work.

8 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Karin,

That is correct.
In your case the ACF locations were set to specific.
Our plugin can only recognize fields that are at least available for all pages.
I will close this ticket.

8 years ago

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