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New Update

I’ve just updated the plugin ran the update, however I’m now getting

Fatal error: Class ‘AC_Column_Post_AttachmentCount’ not found in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/assets/plugins/admin-columns-pro/classes/Column/Post/AttachmentCount.php on line 11

Can you assist

7 years, 3 months ago
Tobias Schutter

The AC_Column_Post_AttachmentCount class has been removed from our release. It should not load at all. The issue could be caused by your hosting provider. Sometimes they use object caching to store data, and it’s not always properly flushed when updating plugins. When their cache is cleared, the error will disappear too.

7 years, 2 months ago

I would of thought that too, however the issue still remains after 2 days

7 years, 2 months ago

So can I have further assistance in this matter please…

7 years, 2 months ago

You can now mark this as solved, I uninstalled and reinstall the latest version.

7 years, 2 months ago
Tobias Schutter

That’s good to hear, I have marked it as solved.

We discussed your issue with the team, but there’s is nothing we can do about your hosting’s object cache, it is a hosting preference. Every plugin you install can potentially be affected by it. By re-installing the plugin your probably triggered the flush of the site’s cache, which solved the issue.

7 years, 2 months ago


We’ve also encountered this issue – we are NOT on shared hosting, we run our own servers and are intimately familiar with what’s running, there is no object cache running for this server.

We have tried restarting PHP-FPM, NGINX etc in order to make sure any caching is cleared, and we still get Fatal errors on every admin screen with the plugin active – we have to use WP-CLI to deactivate in order to get the admin back.

We have already tried
– clearing all site transients
– restarting all services (PHP-FPM etc)
– composer dump-autoload
– deactivating and reactivating plugin
– fresh install (every deployment is a fresh install, we do atomic deployments)

Any help would be much appreciated


7 years, 2 months ago
David Mosterd

Hi Tim,

It is related to object caching in PHP as far as we know. Do you use something like Varnish or anything that persists cache on a disk? If so, can you flush that?

If not, can you drop me a message on We’ll try to get this issues resolved for you as soon as possible!


7 years, 2 months ago

Hi David,

We hadn’t configured redis, varnish or any caching plugins for this site so initially we thought it couldn’t be a caching issue.

We ended up solving the issue by disabling PHP’s built in opcode cache – this is on by default in 7+, as it seems like it was caching your registered Autoloader.

For othe users experiencing this problem, I’d suggest trying the following.

In a php.ini or user.ini file in your site’s root web directory

This will disable the opcache next time you make a request, if this fixes the issue in the admin you can comment out or delete the line from the .ini file to re-enable the opcache (recommended )


7 years, 2 months ago
David Mosterd

Hi Tim,

Cache is a delicate thing and with more and more hosters starting to utilize PHP7 / caching in combination with WordPress expertise let’s hope this gets fixed. E.g.: prevent certain cache in the admin, flush on plugin update, exclude certain pages or plugins, etc.

Your solution to disable opcache works of course, but opcache for the frontend is a pretty good thing as it speeds up PHP. You could also try to hook into WordPress and call the reset ( just after the plugin updater has run for example. It’s something I have to test myself.

Glad it’s resolved for you, but by no means are we rid of this issue… :)

7 years, 2 months ago

We are running ACP on multisite and are seeing this error as well. When looking at the source code the class ACP_Column_Post_AttachmentCount extends AC_Column_Post_AttachmentCount is present in admin-columns-pro/classes/Column/Post/AttachmentCount.php. We updated the plugin manually—could this be part of the issue?

7 years, 2 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Mark,

Did you manually upload the files to the plugin folder? Because in that case, you might have changed files, but it did not remove obsolete files. I would recommend deleting the admin columns plugin folder first and then upload the new version.

Or upload the zip file using the WordPress plugins page (in the admin area). This will also remove all files and replace them with the correct version.

7 years, 2 months ago


We manually uploaded the files and indeed the old ones were not removed. This should resolve the issue. Thanks!

7 years, 2 months ago

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