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Multiple sorting

Hi everyone.

Is there a way to have multiple sorting in Admin Columns Pro?

I would like to sort two columns, ‘Start date’ and ‘Order’ (which both is ACF-fields)

The result is to make this:

Event1 | 11 june, 2015 | 1
Event1 | 12 june, 2015 | 1
Event3 | 12 june, 2015 | 2
Event2 | 12 june, 2015 | 3
Event1 | 13 june, 2015 | 1

I would as you can see have my standard sorting based on the ‘Start date’,
and if two events appears on the same day – I would like to sort it on ‘Order’.

Is this possible to do in Admin Columns Pro? Is there any hooks, in making the ‘Order’ to be automatically sorted, but that Start date has priority one?

But the next problem is to be able to sort this for the visitor as well, since WP_Query is a little limited in certain conditions.

Not all that easily that I was hoping on.

9 years, 6 months ago
Dan Linstedt

A thought, add your own calculated custom field – based on the metadata of multiple metadata custom fields, then simply sort on that ONE field. Looking for code for this.

5 years, 2 months ago

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