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Missing entries when logged in as editor

We use Admin Columns for a CPT. When logged in as admin, all entries are visible. When logged in as editor, only one entry is shown. On top of the list the right number of entries is shown, but it seems a filter is applied but not visible. When we deactivate the PlugIn all entries are shown again. What can we do?

2 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you check if the settings for the page have not predefined filters on the settings page?
Also, can you check if there is no sorting active on the page? You can tell by the button ‘Reset Sorting’ on top of the page if this is the case. If that changes nothing, can you install the plugin ‘Query Monitor’ and analyze the query in order to see if there are any parts of the query that are filtering the page?

Our plugin should not filter by default or hidden columns, but maybe a specific column could cause the issue.

2 years, 10 months ago

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