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Missing Custom Values in CSV Export

Hi –

I have a custom plugin that manages a public voting poll. The poll results for “Public Votes” are displayed correctly as an additional column in my backend (see 1.jpg), but when I do the AC Export, these values do not come through. (see 2.jpg).

IF you’re curious, these values aren’t a simple custom post meta/ACF field but are actually a COUNT() of rows from from a custom DB table, controlled by my custom plugin.

Is there a way to hook these values into my AC Export? Thank you!

Here’s an SQL query that will output the values for each row’s Public Votes column:

SELECT d.post_id, p.post_title, COUNT(*) AS votes
FROM wp_dpvej_public d
INNER JOIN wp_posts p ON p.ID = d.post_id
GROUP BY d.post_id

1.jpg and 2.jpg respectively:


7 years, 1 month ago
David Mosterd


We are working on supporting export for 3rd party columns that display their value through a WordPress list screen. It’s a bit of a technical issue, but it comes down to us ‘capturing’ the output before it is sent to the screen. And for some columns, that’s not a trivial task.

I have sent you a PM for some for details on your specific case.

7 years, 1 month ago

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