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Katarzyna Lew

Malware detected in export-import.js

Hi Guys!

Astra Malware Scanner detects possible malware in file export-import.js.

This is the reason:
Issue type: Backdoor
Description: Malicious function disguised by a comment.
The file was flagged as Backdoor:PHP/CommentFun and appears to be created by a hacker with malicious intent. If you know about this file you can choose to ignore it to exclude it from future scans.

This is the code that they suspect:
*/jQuery(document).ready(function($){ac_export_multiselect($);ac_import($);ac_importexport($)});/*\x0a * Export Multiselect\x0a *\x0a * @since 1.5\x0a

Is this code normal? Or is it really a backdoor?


3 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your input on this.
Fortunately, this is not a backdoor or whatsoever.
This is a deprecated file that should not be in our product anymore.
Apparently, a lot of the functionality was already uncommented during development, but we did forget to remove the file from the plugin itself. This file is never loaded and should it be loaded, it can’t do any harm. I’ll make sure the file does not exist in the next release.

3 years, 8 months ago
Katarzyna Lew

Thank you for taking care of this Stefan.
I had my website get infected and after seeing this I deleted Admin Columns Pro.
But later I saw that I cannot live without it – so – glad to see that this is fine.


3 years, 8 months ago

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