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Make a Column Exportable

How can I make an existing column that displays (does not sort/filter) able to be exported?

Under the column settings, the export option is “disabled”. I don’t see anything in the documentation for how to make a column exportable.

4 years, 10 months ago
Tobias Schutter

When a plugin or theme added their own column(s) to the list table they are not exportable by default, because we do not know the formatting. But our experience is that most plugins store their data as custom field data.

If that’s the case you can probably make it exportable by doing the following. Simply, add the “Custom Field” column and select your “Field Key” from the dropdown menu. Save your column settings and return to the list table. The added column will display the custom field data for you and it will also work with export!

If you are only using the custom field column for exporting I would suggest creating a separate column set for it. That will allow you to have a separate view for exporting without changing the “default view” for the list table.

4 years, 10 months ago

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