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D. Gouweleeuw

list of all products


When I want open the page with the list of all products I get a time out error page, because it took too long to load the page.
After disabeling your plugin I was able to go to all the products.

Can you help me solve this problem?


Best regards,

Dennis Gouweleeuw

4 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Do you have a lot of products on your website?
The timeout is often caused by sorting on a specific column that is not optimized for large dataset.
You can try to reset the sorting preferences by going to our settings page through the left menu, click on our settings tab and hit the ‘Reset sorting preferences’ button. If the page works after that, you can try to sort on your columns to see which column causes the issue. You can repeat the process above and disable sorting for that column afterward to make sure it does not happen again in the future.

4 years, 11 months ago

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