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Link Count column is counting # anchor links as external

It appears as though the Link Count column is counting internal anchor links (or jump links) as external links. Is this intended behavior?

To me, it seems as though any link that starts with a hash sign (#) should be excluded from the link count all together; meaning, not counted as internal or external. Just ignored completely.

For example, I create a lot of long form content, and like to include a table of contents at the top of the page. Sometimes, there are 5-10 links that jump you down to that section of the article (#section1, #section2, etc.).

Do you guys have any thoughts on this? And if you agree, would you be open to making this change to a future update?

7 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi David,

Yes, that seems like a valid presumption. I will change it that every link started with a ‘#’ is marked as internal. It will be shipped with the upcoming release. Thanks again for your feedback!

7 years ago

Thanks for the quick response, Stefan. Do you think links starting with ‘#’ should be marked as internal? Or not counted at all?

Since they don’t navigate to another page (internal or external), and serve a completely different purpose than that of typical links, I was thinking they just should not be included in the link count at all.

7 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You’re correct again. Discussed it with my colleague and we agree that anchors don’t have to be counted as links.

7 years ago

Awesome. Thanks for confirming, Stefan.

7 years ago

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