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R.J.M. Heijster

License automatically renewed: Automatic updates are disabled


Last year, my license automatically renewed, as it has every year since we started using Admin Columns Pro. However, on many of my sites a message appeared that my license has expired, and automatic updates are disabled.

This is easily solved by pressing the ‘refresh’ button. However, logging into nearly 40 websites to refresh the license is cumbersome. Plus, the error message raises eyebrows with the users of the websites.

Can this be prevented?

Error message

11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The license data should be updated automatically, especially when you have auto-renew enabled in your account.
We had a version where the daily check did not work properly though. Can you tell me if the sites that did not refresh automatically were all on the same version, and if so, what version?

11 months ago
R.J.M. Heijster

The sites have all been activated an updated already. I’m not sure which version was active. My license expired at the end of November. The current version of end November was installed on the sites.

11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I suspect it has something to do with the current version that is installed.
Anyway, it should automatically check the license and refresh it once a day.

11 months ago

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