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Javascript error on users admin screen


I am seeing this javascript error on the users admin screen:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'setService')
1 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/assets/editing/js/table.js line 2 col 126908 in [anonymous]
2 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/assets/editing/js/table.js line 2 col 126887 in Function.<anonymous>
3 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/assets/js/table.js line 1 col 16822 in i._emit
4 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/assets/js/table.js line 1 col 14314 in i.emit
5 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/assets/js/table.js line 1 col 93417 in Object.emitEvent
6 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/assets/js/table.js line 1 col 23744 in m.init
7 File .../plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/assets/js/table.js line 1 col 94564 in HTMLDocument.<anonymous>

Probably forgot to check if setService was defined before using it.

2 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
I indeed found two placed where this can happen, although it should not happen :)
We fixed it for the next big upcoming release.
If you’re interested in a patched version in the meantime, please contact me at
You could also try to create a duplicate of your column set and remove column by column to find out which column causes the issue. I expect that the issue should not occur when that specific column is not added.
Plus it could help me to understand the issue better to create a better fix instead of just writing a null check in our codebase.

2 years ago

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