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Javascript Error on Taxonomy screens

Whenever viewing any taxonomy (such as Posts -> Categories or WooCommerce Products -> Categories) I get the following error in the console:

Uncaught ConfigError: Missing filters list
    at Object.h.error (
    at g.checkFilters (
    at new g (
    at a.fn.init.$.fn.queryBuilder (
    at e.value (
    at Function.value (
    at e.value (
    at e.value (
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (
    at i (,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,utils,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-position,wp-pointer&ver=5.1:2:27449)

This error means that features on the page (such as screen options) don’t work.

Running Admin Columns Pro v4.5.4 and WordPress 5.1.

Works fine on posts screens, but taxonomies have the error.

Is this a known bug/issue?

5 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback and letting us know.
Yes, this is a known issue and we have the fix in place for the upcoming release.
I’m not sure when this version will be released, but if you want a quick fix, please send me a message and I’ll send you the fixed version of the plugin.

5 years, 7 months ago

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