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"instanceof ACA_ACF_Column" causes Error

from the examples here:

i’m trying to filter a column value that is a advanced custom field (ACF) field. When using the code from the example pages i get a 500 error.
I have looked through all the code and there is no “ACA_ACF_Column ” class. has this been updated/deprecated?

what would the new syntax be?>

7 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Philipp,

The snippet you use only works when you have the ACF integration add-on installed.
But I believe the instanceof check for the class should return false instead of giving you a 500 error. If I’m wrong, it would be better to also check if the class exists before we do the instanceof check, but it probably won’t fix your problem.

Do you get more information about the 500 error you’re getting? Can you send me the info at so I can have a look?

Anyway, this filter will not work when you don’t have the ACF integration add-on for Admin Column installed so you should check this first.

7 years, 5 months ago

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