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Inline Permalink (or Path)?

I just purchased hoping to be able to quickly inline edit posts’ permalinks. I don’t see any options to enable editing for permalinks. Am I missing something or is this not available? Help much appreciated.

7 years, 10 months ago

A quick note: I see you can edit the slug, but I was hoping to edit the permalink (including the rest of the path). I’m using the “Custom Permalinks” plugin which allows full path editing within the post edit screen.

7 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Joseph,

We indeed allow to edit the slug of a post but not the complete path / permalink of a post.
Since it’s default for WordPress to determine the permalink based on the slug, our provided solution is good enough for most scenario’s. To be honest I’m not sure what complication you can run into if you change the permalink like the ‘Custom Permalinks’ does. I can add this request as a feature request to our roadmap, but I’m not sure if this is something we will develop.

If you’re a developer, you could consider to create a column for this yourself by using our documentation and toolset described on this page:
You can even make the column editable if you like and you could use our slug column as a good example.
If you’re not a developer and this plugin becomes useless for you, you may ask for a refund.

7 years, 10 months ago


Thanks for the quick & thorough response. I might consider creating the new column type, but really the slug edit works for 90% of what I need.

Please note – I’m thrilled with this plugin and what it does! After spending most of the day yesterday putting it to use, it has already saved me many hours of tedious work. I’ve gotten my money’s worth several times over on the first day. I can’t wait to see what other tasks I’ll be using it on.

Thank you very much!

7 years, 10 months ago

I would be most interested to be able to inline edit permalinks too. I bought this plugin just now (outside our budget) hoping it could do that as it implied such fields were editable. Please do consider it for an update. Otherwise, I haven’t got use for the plugin and it’s $50 more than we had to spend. Thank you.

7 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


Did you find the slug column? This one is editable and it will also change the permalink.
But changing the full permalink is still not a very good idea, because you it will skip the permalink structure that is set for your website. So next time you save the post via the edit post it is probably put back to the original/valid permalink structure.

The plugin ‘Custom permalinks’ does some extra things on the edit post screen so we also have to do something like that in our plugin is we would develop a column that could change the whole permalink. Since this is out of scope what our plugin does, we decided not to make a column for this.

So if you don’t see any use in the rest of the plugin, you may ask for a refund. Please contact me on

7 years, 9 months ago

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