Just don’t see the little pencil icon field in the columns. I do see the inline edit button on top of the page and toggling it back and forth does nothing.
That being said I opened up the inspector and found the following problem. Given this is minimized code it’s a little hard to follow, but right here:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property ‘editable’ on boolean ‘false’
at table.js?ver=1558636517:26
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Function.value (table.js?ver=1558636517:26)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (table.js?ver=1558636517:26)
I do have another view that is working and when comparing the HTML of the views the main difference I see is that following classes aren’t being added to the column fields ‘acp-ie-editable acp-ie-editable–togglable’.
Is there some cache that needs to be refreshed or where do these classes get added to the columns.