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Inline Editing for EventsCalendar Fields


I have Admin Column Pro 4.1.1, The Events Calendar Pro, the Events Calendar Add-on 1.0.2.
Is there way to update Event Costs using inline editing?

Also, for each Custom Field created in Events Calendar, a hidden custom field named _ecp_custom_{id} is created. I have successfully add 3 columns to my Events Admin Columns. I added more custom fields but they do not appear in the list of fields. Is there a way to refresh that list?


6 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


The Costs column will be editable in the upcoming maintenance release of the Events Calendar integration.

Although Events Custom Fields are part of the pro version of the Events Calendar, it is possible to use our Custom field column like you already did. But in order to show the custom fields in the list, there has to be at least one post that has this custom field populated before our plugin recognizes the custom field in the drop down.

We have planned support for the Events Calendar Pro but I cannot give you any time frame right now.

6 years, 11 months ago

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