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Inline Editing for Checkboxes

First, an “empty” checkbox field should be interpreted as “unchecked”.

Second, I would have thought that checkbox fields would be editable. What’s easier than editing a checkbox?

10 years ago
David Mosterd

You are right, it’s not hard per se. The thing is, we can’t predict how the checkbox is stored in the database or if there are validation rules set by a 3th party plugin. Therefore we thought it safest not to enable inline edit and maybe break your theme/ site. The fastest workaround is to set is as a default value and edit the raw value as text. This has some drawbacks of coure, so…

We are looking to create a filter which you can use in your theme. This filter would allow you to overwrite the default behavior and allow you to edit those fields. You of course will have to know what the expected values are and if there are validation rules in place.

We have made this issue a priority and hope to have a answer on this in a few days.

10 years ago
Tobias Schutter

In the current release v3.2 we have introduced the option to use inline edit on custom fields. The checkmark fieldtype will either write a ‘1’ or ‘0’. This is explained in our documentation. If you are planning on using the inline edit we advise on reading that prior to enabling it.

But the good news is you can use the checkbox from now on:)

10 years ago

Thanks. I tried upgrading to 3.2 release, but it keeps failing with an error. I’ll keep trying.

10 years ago
Tobias Schutter

Perhaps because of the SSL error, which we fixed in v3.2 ;) You can also download the latest version from your account page.

10 years ago

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