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Ido Kobelkowsky

Inline-edit Textarea field WYSIWYG – open in new tab

When i have any fields that uses WYSIWYG text field on inline edit, the editor opens and enables to adjust the basics, but when trying to edit a link, with the advanced options to define it a open in a new tab, clicking on that checkbox closes the editor, without saving and editing – it is actually on any of the fields that are in the “Insert/edit link” popup.

4 weeks ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
I was able to reproduce the issue and created a ticket for this in our backlog so we can work on a fix for the upcoming release.

4 weeks ago
Ido Kobelkowsky

Additionally, it would great to support the: Advanced Editor Tools, if the wordpress plugin is installed and active –

so if some any specific site configuration is set for the mce editor it will be applied and used also on the inline edit on AdminColumns

thanks again

4 weeks ago

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