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Inline edit returns unexpected content

Hi CodePress,

Just bought the plugin since I needed — primarily — to support sorting of custom fields. That works fine, but I ran into a problem with inline editing.

I’m using Pods and have created a custom taxonomy called “Status”. I use this to provide a different set of statuses for custom posts. These custom posts use a Pods relationship field to link to the status in question. Display is fine, and sorting works fine too. Yet when I set the field to be editable and use inline edit, I get this in the input field:

[object Object]

I was, of course, expecting a dropdown listing the values from my custom taxonomy. Perhaps this is a limitation of Admin Columns?

As a workaround I could just make Status a normal custom dropdown I guess, although I did want a “proper” SQL-style join for later work.

I’ll see what you say :=)



10 years, 6 months ago

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your issue report, this indeed doesn’t sound like proper behaviour for the plugin. What’s the column type you’re using to display the “Status” taxonomy?

With kind regards,

10 years, 6 months ago

Hi Jesper,

The column type is “Default”.

I thought I’d just switch all the columns to editable, so here’s a full report.

The “Job” custom Post type has the following fields on display in the admin interface at the moment:

Customer. This is a relationship to the custom Post type “Customer”. “Default” used.
Due date. This is a custom field, type “datetime”. “Default” (now) used.
Title. This is the “normal” Post title field.
Job status. This is a relationship to the custom Post type “Job status”. “Default” used.
Qty. This is a custom number field. “Default” used.
Unit type. This is a relationship to the custom Post type “Unit type”. “Default” used.

With all of the fields that represent links (relationships) to other custom Post types, the value

[object Object]

is shown on clicking the inline edit.

Note that these relationships are one-way, i.e. not the bidirectional Pod relationship type.

Also, as a general piece of information: I’m trying to set up a site where I have a useful admin interface to the backend, for managing filters, sorting, editing, etc. The WordPress site itself will use templates to display specialised views of this data, e.g. “All jobs for June with Customer X, sorted by date and with a total at the foot of the page”. These views could also be used to generate invoices, e.g.

While I can simply write templates for doing admin stuff as well, I’m trying to “max out” the admin stuff within plugins like Pods, ACF and Admin Columns, since writing templates with tables and sortable columns is a pain I’d like to spare myself.

Hope that helps as a bit of background.

10 years, 6 months ago

Hi Edward,

Thanks for your extensive description! Admin Columns features quite a few column types, and I’ll try to suit you with the proper ones for your particular case! It seems like all columns are working except for the relational ones. Have you tried using the “Custom Field” column with the field type “Post Title (Post ID’s)”? If the relationships store the post ID’s, that should work properly!

Admin Columns should be able to help you with the greater chunk of work required to set up these admin pages!

With kind regards,

10 years, 6 months ago

Hi Jesper,

Thanks for getting back to me, sorry, had a busy work week, only just got back to fiddling with WordPress here.

I changed the type to “Post Title (Post ID’s)” as you suggested, but this deactivated the editing function, thus making it a bit pointless :=) The field shows up fine, but since I can’t do inline edits, this functionality is not much better than the standard.

Perhaps Admin Columns just doesn’t work with Pods, in which case it doesn’t really fit the bill (and I’ll have to write my own forms to do the job instead).

Any last ideas?



10 years, 6 months ago

Hi Ed,

We’ve chosen not to allow editing on relationship fields in the Custom Field column, as we just can’t be sure what type of data we’re actually working with, and we don’t want to ruin someone’s installation :-). However, a Pods integration add-on (we currently have an ACF integration add-on) is high on the list of to-dos!

With kind regards,

10 years, 5 months ago

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